Rebates In Our Area

Local & Federal Rebates

Tax Credits, Incentives and Savings

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NIPSCO | Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Energy Efficiency Rebate Program | NIPSCO

Current rebates are available for equipment purchased and installed between January 1, 2022 and November 30, 2022. Rebate offers are subject to change – please check this web page for updates. Funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Amount: $150.00 to $300.00

Description: Rebates for high efficiency HVAC equipment - including furnaces, air conditioners, boilers and other home efficiency equipment - can help save energy and money.

$150 tax credit for ENERGY STAR certified gas furnaces with 95% or greater AFUE

$300 tax credit for qualifying air conditioners with 16+ SEER ratings

Residential Energy Credits

Instructions For 5695